Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another Iridium Flare

Tuesday October 13, 2009

My daughter and I decided to try and see another Iridium Flare, just to make sure the one I saw last week was in fact what it was supposed to be. As we were sitting in the school parking lot observing what I later found out to be Jupiter (see blog on Jupiter :), a pefect flare revealed itself directly in front of us. It was seen at 19:37, 50 degrees Altitude and 181 degrees Azimuth. It just appeared in the sky, got really bright, and then faded away. It kind of looked like the left over spark from a firework. I tried to take a picture but it happened to fast. My son wants to see one, so I think we will go again tomorrow night and I will have my camera at the ready.

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